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Dealers & Customers!


We, at Tidewater Seed, are continuing to strive to partner with brands that bring innovative, economical and best in class performance to the market! By partnering with our friends at Meristem we are able to continue to provide resources to you that not only promote growth within the fields you farm but bring a new level of growth to the field of farming. In years past we have been proud to sell and promote the Hopper Throttle line on commercially grown corn and soybeans and continue to offer growers value in the pail on those products.  


However following last years slow growing season, and lack of rainfall we identified a distinct need for a product that would promote growth, drive economical returns and provide value to the customer. With all of this in mind we are happy to bring to your attention........


Hopper Throttle Cotton


*Best is class 80/20 talc/Graphite combination promoting and ensuring optimum performance 

*Powered by BIO-CAPSULE TECHNOLOGY carrier system allowing for the addition of growth stimulating biological solutions 

*Biologicals designed to enhance Boron uptake

*Furnishes .475lbs of Zinc plus Iron and Manganese

*Enhances seed germination and early season plant vigor

*Includes the addition of 18% Active Carbon to increase plant respiration and system functions (can replace Humic Acid)

*Provides industry leading Biological and Nitrogen fixing microbes to promote nutrient uptake and plant health

*Puts cotton seedlings in a position to manage season long stressors and optimize genetic potential


Can replace any seed fluency agent while providing more growth stimulating factors!



*Treats approximately 20 units of cotton at 240K Seeding rate  


Click the link below to view a testimonial delivered by a farmer who tested Hopper Throttle Cotton last year!



For more information on Cotton Hopper Throttle or any other meristem products please contact your local meristem dealer or visit our website at




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Congratulations, Greg Hughes!


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